
Established in 1990 and winner of the IPG Independent Trade Publisher of the Year Award, Summersdale has a firm history of producing quality books of travel writing, general non-fiction, health and well-being, gift and humour. As one of their regular freelancers, I am proud to be able to contribute my editorial skillset to their growing lists of hundreds of titles. Purely in an editorial capacity, I work with Summersdale to refine and polish a wide range of their upcoming books, from Mind, Body & Spirit texts through to cookbooks and inspirational cards. For Summersdale, I take on the following types of jobs:

Substantive Editing

Receiving a manuscript in its best yet malleable draft, before a copyeditor or proofreader start to dig their teeth into it, is one of the great joys of editing. I’m incredibly lucky to read the wonderful books that Summersdale publish and to work one-on-one with their authors, too, in order to strengthen their work on a structural level.


Going through a 128-page manuscript, line by line, looking for small inconsistencies, questionable phrasing or facts that need checking may sound awful for some. I love it, so that’s where I come in.


Having a freelance proofreader approach an MS for the first time is invaluable. Why? Well, it may surprise people just how many mistakes can be missed, even at the biggest publishing houses. Re-reading the same text over and over can turn the most acute eye for detail blind, which is why they stand out so clearly to me when I first encounter the work.

“It’s always a pleasure to work with Samuel and I would recommend him for editing, copyediting and proofreading projects.”

CLAIRE BERRISFORD, Senior Editor, Summersdale Books